Hi, my name is Clare and in the Summer of 2020 I began Amlou (formerly Fika & Feast) to share my love of food and travel, photography, and how that connects us and brings people together to treat, comfort and celebrate.

Going back a couple of years, it didn’t take much to take a cheap flight for a short break, enjoy being immersed in an unfamiliar culture, enjoy local food & escape for a few days.

I don’t think these days are gone, I just think the freedom with which we can do this is more limited and as the needs of our planet become more pronounced, the way we experience the world will change.

Hoping to bring the sense of tales and adventure back into everyday lives, I explore and combine Mediterranean dishes to create memorable menus and, having travelled across Morocco and spent our honeymoon there, my love of Moroccan food is often a huge part of this and is a place where I return to frequently for inspiration.


Along with this, I find huge inspiration for recipes from books that reflect a sense of freedom and storytelling. Top of that list and where I find most of my favourite dishes to cook are Honey & Co, Yottam Ottolenghi and Moro, to me they represent the playfulness and dreaming that I look to experience in a recipe and food writing.

My background is in arts, tourism, events & communications, for higher education and local authority. For more than 10 years, I have made food for friends, family & colleagues and have loved bringing my joy of travel and resulting conversations into these recipes.

Over the coming months, I will be making and sharing special menus that resonate and spark a sense of adventure, a sense of place & above all, taste great! I’m excited to share news with you as and when these menus and offerings are available and as Amlou grows.